Sunday, September 26, 2010


You all may call me crazy… but really, whenever I thought of writing anything before, the question that struck my mind a million times was that what should I write? On what topic? There was ‘nothing’ on which I could write. I was really not able to think of something to write on and so I kept on pushing myself not to even think of writing. But soon I realized that the word ‘nothing’ itself is a big word to write upon.
NOTHING” –  No Thing, a word of great importance in our lives. There is definitely ‘something’ about this ‘nothing’. We all have relied on this nothing at some or other time of our life. But this ‘nothing’ altogether has different meanings in different aspects.
 Grammatically, ‘nothing’ can be used as noun, pronoun or an adverb and it refers to something. Now that is quite confusing. Nothing is something! It refers to something that does not exist. How can there be something if it does not even exist?? I know it’s really complicated and none of us must have ever given it a thought. We all are just keen on using this ‘nothing’ relentlessly. And finally ended upon this.
It also refers to null, a keyword used in computer programming languages (Technical thought..).
It also depicts emptiness or vacuum but we all know that vacuum is generally considered as an absence of matter, practically it’s impossible to create a vacuum as gravity cannot be blocked.(This may sound quite scientific..;)..)
Now the question arises is that why there is always something in nothing?? Why that something has come out of nothing and still we have not got nothing?? Why in this world we cannot have nothing when we have something, anything and everything??
Oh!! What am I thinking?? And above all why are you still reading this piece of bunch?? There is nothing in it. In fact there is something in it. Oh God!! I think I will go mad. I should better go and have some sleep. And for you.. You should also better stop thinking about this nothing-something stuff and do nothing productive.
Remember, there is always “something” in “nothing”. So, do NOTHING.. :) ..


  1. Philosophical, scientific and certainly not nothing!

  2. if nothing is really something, then something is definitely not nothing. That's no 1 can have everything except me.... :)
